Baby Finn . sneak peek newborn . bay area photographer

Baby Finn is absolutely adorable! I can’t get enough of his pouty lips. Here is a little sneak peek of our newborn session this weekend.

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Welcome baby Finn . hospital visit . bay area photographer

I am so excited to announce the arrival of Finn, my dear friend’s son. He was born on Friday the 26th of September. Here’s a little sneak peek from my very first visit with him. He is absolutely adorable and I can’t wait for our newborn session this weekend!

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There’s just more to it . Dr. Pepper . bay area photographer

A little sneak peek to my last session with this litter of Labrador puppies. Just like Dr. Pepper’s newest slogan, “there’s just more to it”, there’s much more to these magical CCI dogs.

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Labrador puppies . growing up . bay area photographer

The puppies are growing up so fast and they each have their own personalities. They had so much fun running around outside. Riding skateboards, splashing in the pool, playing in the tunnel, and going down the slide. I love them all! Too bad my camera bag wasn’t big enough to take them home.

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I can’t wait to see these faces one last time before they go live with their trainers. They are going to be amazing service dogs.
